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Module 3


Relational Intelligence: the creative management of difference

We want to be able to establish a creative and respectful conversation with both the conscious and the unconscious minds. Using models and strategies that include Systemic NLP and Generative Trance, we explore the connection between the different channels of communication and the mental and somatic representations that organize, motivate and guide our actions in the world.

We put the body flow and voice flexibility trained in previous modules at the service of a new way of communication that involves the whole nervous system. We learn to listen and talk with our whole body in limbic resonance. (Rapport)

We learn to trust ourselves, others and the systemic wisdom present in healthy relationships. Giving value to differences, attending to feedback, being able to think using multiple descriptions of the same event and getting involved in generative exchanges are some of the practical and concrete strategies to turn our communication into a powerful achievement and transformation tool.


Daniel Oil

Matias Ortolá


E-Mail: concienciagenerativa@gmail.com  – Whatsapp:  11 6350 1023

Camilo Bartolini

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