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Generative Change

What do we understand by Generative Consciousness?

By generative we mean a state of resonance, openness and fluidity that allows us to create the conditions for something different to emerge, something that didn’t exist before; in other words, to allow for the birth of a new consciousness in the world.

Using words, the voice, music and movement combined with Generative Trance techniques– a model created by Stephen Gilligan – we offer different practices, simple and concrete, which help us to access states of expanded and integrated consciousness where we can deploy all our creativity.

This year, for the first time, we are offering an integral training program made up of weekly meetings running from April to November. This program is divided into 4 modules which are independent and complementary at the same time.

Generative Consciousness Training is an affiliated project of the International Association for Generative Change, created by Stephen Gilligan and Robert Dilts.


We understand that our experience includes 3 dimensions of intelligence: the Somatic Mind (in the body), the Cognitive Mind (“in the head”: representational, verbal and reflexive) and the Field Mind (it connects information fields in which we operate). We intend to explore different ways that allow us to open the 3 minds (Somatic, Cognitive and Field) at generative levels.


  • We give ourselves the opportunity to learn from the body in motion by connecting with the wisdom that already exists in it – the ancient wisdom of the somatic mind.
  • We find new paths into relaxation, creating internal space both physical and mental.
  • We include different approaches to somato-cognitive reconnection.
  • We can become aware of the existence of a Systemic Intelligence when we open ourselves to perceive the Relational Field from a state of confidence and curiosity.
  • We train strategies of Generative Trance.
  • We learn to awaken our voice.
  • We connect to the power of Analog Communication.
  • We train the Verbal Mind to use language for proper naming – finding the words that give value to the experience of the body.
  • Putting music and lyrics together, we practice the Art of Enchanting.
  • We practice holding multiple descriptions of the same territory at the same time.
  • We enrich our options for responding in the face of daily challenges.
  • We experience Creative Flow.
  • We recognize our deep identity as a quantum field of possibilities.
  • We identify, integrate and transcend the positions in our Identity Matrix.
  • We find ways to blend these practices into both our personal and professional life.


For all those who feel a genuine interest in being fully present for themselves and others, open and connected to a Systemic Intelligence that transcends us as individuals.

Whether you are assisting others in the process of personal transformation and healing, or you are teaching or leading groups, you will find specific and ready-to-use tools.


Daniel Oil

Matias Ortolá

Germán Pesaro


E-Mail: concienciagenerativa@gmail.com  – Whatsapp:  11 6350 1023

Camilo Bartolini

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